Page 20 - 2022UNESCO ICDH Newsletter_vol.4
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Have you heard about Generation Z? Gen Z, we must develop the education program
Generation Z (Gen z) is a generation born in using social media. Documentary heritage is still
the mid-1990s to the early 2010s who have had a an unfamiliar concept to the public. An unfamiliar
lot of access to IT technology since childhood and method and an unfamiliar concept, who would be
are free to use it. They were born with IT technology interested in it? This is why we have to make an
but did not experience life without IT technology. education program using an social media.
The Gen Z is Digital Native. Also, social media has another significant
However, did you know that Gen Z can be advantage: it is free to use, access, and share. This
digitally illiterate at the same time? makes social media a platform that has a great
Some might think that Gen Z can’t be digitally power of influence. When it comes tosocial media,
illiterate when born with IT technology. Here is the people think that the information is not that hard
thing that we have to know. Gen Z is different from to understand, not like the news or thesis. People
Generation Y (Millennials, Gen Y). Gen Y is familiar can accept new information more readily via social
with computers, and the desktop, unlike Gen Z. media than in othersources. Gen Z uses social
Gen Z is a generation of digital natives, especially media not only to share their life with their followers
with mobiles. Gen Z prefers to do everything with but they also use it as a place to learn and obtain
their mobiles, not their desktop. They like to use new information.
a mobile application to make documents rather These are the reasons are why UNESCO
than Microsoft word or Excel. They prefer to use International Centre for Documentary Heritage knowledge of each month's Memory of the World
SNS such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to (UNESCO ICDH) is attempting to develop edu- (MoW). UNESCO ICDH is connecting one MoW to
get information and communicate with their friends cational content using social media. an International day to make the public understand
than to use Google, Yahoo, etc. Even in school, UNESCO ICDH is uploading ‘card news’ the concept of MoW better. Card news is a great
tablet PCs are used to give lectures and mobile monthly on its Instagram page to raise public method to reach the public easily and in a fun
applications are used for giving homework. awareness. Card news is an excellent combination manner. Card news includes text and images of
This makes Gen Z digitally illiterate when it social media. It is short and has audio-visual MoW or related illustrations to attract the public’s
comes to using a desktop computer. elements, which is essential in the world of social attention. For example, when we, UNESCO ICDH,
With the trends and the characteristics of media. The UNESCO ICDH's card news contains were creating card news about “The Wizard of
OZ (Victor Fleming 1939), produced by Metro-
Goldwyn-Mayer", we also utilized movie scenes to
attract attention and facilitate understanding.
The use of social media in documentary
heritage education is essential. In terms of commu-
nication with Gen Z, who might be digitally illiterate
when it comes to using desktop computers, and
the characteristics of social media, which is free to
use, free to access, and free to share and makes
obtaining information seemingly easier, social
media is an indispensable educational method
in documentary heritage education. Accordingly,
UNESCO ICDH will also strive to develop more
diverse educational content.
20 UNESCO ICDH Newsletter 21 Memories of Today