Page 31 - 2022UNESCO ICDH Newsletter_vol.4
P. 31

These ideas are also expressed in the 2015   Concerted but targeted action is required. The   As we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the
 Recommendation, which underlines “the importance   next steps may be summarized as follows:    MoW Programme and the World Day for Audiovisual
 of documentary heritage to promote the sharing of     Heritage, we join the entire documentary heritage
 knowledge for greater understanding and dialogue,   I.     Strategically identify documentary heritage   community ― represented by experts drawn from
 in order to promote peace and respect for freedom,   which promotes international cooperation and   the Programme’s network of national and regional
 democracy, human rights and dignity.”   understanding, as well as intercultural dialogue,   committees as well as international partner
 Taking into account this conceptual framework   and promote its use across borders as a   organizations ― in reaffirming our commitment
 and the overall goal of the MoW Programme of   resource in memory, scientific and educational   to “record to remember, preserve to protect, and
 safeguarding documentary heritage, the key issues   institutions. Artistic and creative records of   educate to utilize.”
              humankind are a source of social connectivity
 that may define the use of documentary heritage to   – they can help to bring people together and
 promote inclusive, just and peaceful societies could   work towards international solidarity.
 be set out as follows:
            II.   Further make use of the potential of
 1.  Identifying documentary heritage which    documentary heritage to help predict and
 promotes greater understanding and dialogue   handle crises or emergencies. This includes
 MoW          framework to better understand and prepare
 across cultures;  actively adopting a disaster risk reduction
 2.  Celebrating documentary heritage, including   for natural and human-caused disasters.
 that of marginalized groups, which contributed   Similar forward-looking lessons should be
 to bringing about inclusive, just, and peaceful   learned from conflicts, especially the recent
 societies in a particular national, regional or   and ongoing ones. For example, many countries
 international context;  are adopting national guidelines for the
              preservation of official documents on efforts
 3.  Highlighting the gender, socio-economic   to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic. These
 inequalities in access to, and usage of,   materials not only document the great impact
 documentary heritage;  this pandemic has had on society, but can also
              act as a fundamental reference to helpunderstand
 4.  Enhancing how documentary heritage can be   and contextualize health crises in the future.
 used as an educational resource and how    5.Where do we go from here?
 media can utilize the historical value of   It is clear that documentary heritage, within the   III.  Work towards more innovative ways to   Co-signed  Alinah K.Segobye
 documentary heritage for contemporary    framework of the MoW Programme and its network   make use of the 400+ items of documentary   Dean of the Faculty of Humanities
                                                                               and Social Sciences, Namibia
 reporting on issues of sustainable development;   of partnerships, is an informational resource that   heritage inscribed on the Memory of the World   Tawfic Jellasi, ADG    University of Science and
 has an essential role in a culture-based model of   International Register with the goal of bringing   Unit for Communication and   Technology
 5.  Monitoring the global situation of documentary   sustainable development for the wellbeing of all.  further attention to the need for the continued   information, UNESCO  Saleem Zougbi
 heritage preservation, spotting endangered   Preserving and providing access to docu-  preservation and accessibility of the entire   Carlos Eduardo Serrano Vásquez   Senior Associate Expert, United
 areas facing difficulties due to technical and/or   mentary heritage material, including as concerns   documentary heritage within the framework of   Executive Director, International   Nations University Operating
                                                                               Unit on Policy-Driven Electronic
                                                       Council on Archives
 economic factors;  the UNESCO 2015 Recommendation. In this                    Governance
 web archiving, is therefore a core public interest   vein, we laud UNESCO’s engagement with   Sophie Delepierre
 activity and so should not be subject to any          Head of Protection Heritage and   Sandra Patricia Moresco
 6.  Highlighting best practices on safeguarding   Google Arts & Culture to enhance the visibility    Capacity building Department,   President, MoWLAC(Memory of
 documentary heritage at risk including    unreasonable and unjustified restrictions. Memory   of the inscriptions via this online platform.    International Council of Museum  the World Regional Committee for
 enhanced capacity building, specifically for    institutions need clear and enforceable legal   There are similar efforts being developed,    Catherine Lacken   Latin America and Caribbean)
 digital preservation.  rights to carry out their missions, and the creation   suchas a plan by the International Centre for   Secretary General, Co-ordination   Kwibae Kim Chairperson,
                                                                               MoWCAP(Memory of the World
 and sharing of new content with open licenses,   Documentary Heritage and other organizations    Council of Audiovisual Archives   Regional Committee for Asia and
 7.  Ensuring that documentary heritage collections   including the promotion of OpenGLAM practices,   to create an advanced information-sharing   Associations  the Pacific)
 and the memory institutions which safeguard    should be encouraged.   platform for documentary heritage. Such   Claire McGuire    Jaehee Choi
                                                       Policy and Research Officer,
 them are integrated into national cultural    In celebrating the MoW Programme’s 30th   platforms allow for the identification of nationally,   International Federation of Library   Chairman, UNESCO International
 property protection frameworks, including in   anniversary, it is time to multiply our efforts to   regionally and internationally inscribed items    Associations and Institutions  Centre for Documentary Heritage
 efforts to combat theft and illicit trafficking, and   safeguard documentary heritage in all its diversity   of documentary heritage. These tools can    Papa Momar Diop   Mitsuru Haga
 are protected during crises – both natural and   helpilluminate common patterns, promote   Chairperson, Memory of the World   Special Advisor, Tohoku University
 human-caused.   and take a stand to help it to fulfil its cultural and   understanding and dialogue across all cultures,   Regional Committee for Africa  Tomasz Komorowski
 educational purposes. Professional expertise is   and celebrate the cultural heritage of   Helena Asamoah Hassan   Chair, Polish MoW Committee
 needed to ensure that documents keep their central   marginalized groups, thereby promoting social   Executive Director, African Library   Dietrich Schüller
 role as the foundation of civilization and its further   inclusion and a just and peaceful coexistence.   and Information Associations and   Member, International Advisory

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