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P. 126
The cab fully conforms to the inter- Working Lamp(Rear) CAUTION
national standard as far as safety Air Filter Air Filter • Remember that steering, brak-
and soundproofing are concerned. ing and operational performanc-
It can be provided with ventilation, es are highly influenced by the
heating and air-conditioning system. Rear Wiper implements mounted, the trail-
It is available in the following ver- ers transported and the ballasts
sion: applied to the tractor.
Door Handle
Cab with ventilation and heating
systems. T39O603A CAUTION
Cab with ventilation, heating and Front wiper Roof Hatch • When transporting heavy loads
air-conditioning systems. Working Lamp (Exceeding the weight of the
tractor) reduce the speed under
CAUTION Rear Mirror 15 Km/h (9.32 m/h).
• The cab is in full conformity with
the international standards as to CAUTION
the cab’s soundproofing. • All the implements mounted onto
• Be very careful when operating in the tractor must be safely secured.
small spaces and always protect
your ears whenever other work- 45HO601A CAUTION
ing equipment is generating dan- • Be very careful during imple-
gerous noise levels.
ment hitching and unhitching
operations. When using imple-
ment supports, be sure they are
suitable and sufficiently strong.
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