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P. 130


        ► vENTIlATION                        RECIRCUlATION INlETS FUllY
        The ventilation unit is housed in the   ClOSEd
        cab ceiling.                           Air is taken in entirely from out-
        To switch it on and adjust it, turn the   side  the  cab  through  the  rear   Wiper Switch
        electrical fan switch to the desired   grille and filtered through a paper   Washer Switch
        speed.                                 element positioned behind the
        The cab becomes slightly pressur-      grille.                            Working Lamp Switch
        ized when the ventilation system
        is in operation, so that the fresh air   ※N.B: It is very important that the                       T39O607A
        can enter only by way of the filter in-     air diffusers never be com-
        stalled in the rear section of the cab      pleted closed so as to allow   ► wORkINg lAMp SwITCH
        roof.                                       for a steady air flow.       The front and rear working lights
        The fan switch can be operated only         To obtain a greater pres-    are "ON" when push the button.The
        after the ignition key is inserted.         surization inside the cab, it   work light indicator lamp on the in-
        The air flow can be regulated and           is necessary to take the air   strument cluster will illuminate.
        directed by suitable positioning the        from the outside, therefore
        air diffusers.                              the inside air recirculatiing
        Air can be taken in fresh from out-         grille should be fully closed.
        side or recirculated from within the
        cab by way of the relative side in-

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