Page 134 - tymp
P. 134


                                                  wARNINg                        ►   HEATINg SYSTEM CONFIgU-
                                               Before starting the engine,      The heating system consist of two
                                                 make sure the system is off     units:
                                                (by turning off the ventilation   1. Heater and blower unit installed
                                                fan) so as not to overload the      behind roof console.
                                                battery.                         2. Power supplying set, consisting
                                               After the system at full power      of an auxiliary alternator locat-
                                                 for a long period of time, nev-
                                  T72O615A                                          ed front of the engine and driven
                                                er turn it off suddenly but let it   by a belt directly linked to the en-
        ② Speed heating fan                     first idle for about 20 seconds.    gine pulley.
        ③ Electric resistances                                                      If the air does not come out from
        ④ Air filter                                                                the diffusers right away as soon
        ⑤ Recirculation inlets                                                      as the system is started, turn off
                                                                                    immediately and identify the fault.
        ⑥ Pivotal air diffuser
                                                                                 ※N.B: Never turn on the heating
                                                                                        system  when  working  in
                                                                                        dusty environments.
          For ideal system operation, the
            engine must run at 1,000 rpm.

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