Page 139 - tymp
P. 139


        1. TRACINg FAUlTS
                         SYMpTOM            CONdITION                  CAUSE                     REMEdY
         1.Compressor Abnormal sound   Inlet sound            Insufficient Lub           Replenish

                                      Outlet sound            Belt tension release       Adjust

                                                              Release the bracket        Tighten the bolts

                                                              Clutch fail                Check

                      Abnormal revolution  Inlet cause        Damaged parts              Check, Replace

                                                              Slip the clutch            Check, Replace

                                                              Not Lub                    Replenish

                                      Outlet cause            Belt tension released      Adjust                    6 4 36

                      Refrigerant or oil    Refrigerant or oil  leakag   Sealing washer damaged   Replace

                      leakage                                 Head bolt released         Tighten the bolts

                                                              D-ring damaged             Replace

                      Excessive pressure Low, High pressur    Insufficient refrigerator   Adjust

                                                              Compressor                 Replace

         2.Motor      Weak from pres-  Motor is normal        Air inlet clogged          Remove

                      sure or don”t work                      Evaporator freezing        Controlling minimum pressure

                                                              Ventilator switch damage   Replace the switch

                                                              Compressor                 Replace

                                      Motor is abnorma        Motor failure              Replace

                                                              Wire cut                   Replace

                                      Air leakage             Duct leakage               Check, Tighten

                      Unable to control   Motor               Air volume control switch failure   Check, Tighten

                      the fan         Motor is abnormal       Motor failure              Replace

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