Page 142 - tymp
P. 142
Storage and diSpoSal
1. tractor Storage
► daily Storage ► long-term Storage (7) Remove a weight. Detach or
(1) Store the tractor after cleaning it. Clean the tractor thoroughly and lower an implement.
Especially, clean it thoroughly af- store it as follows: (8) Chock the rear wheels.
ter harrowing or working in a wet (1) Change engine oil with new oil (9) Remove the battery from the
field. and run the engine for 5 min- tractor or turn off its switch to
() Make sure to lower an imple- utes to distribute oil to each part cut power connection.
ment. evenly. (10) Place wood blocks under the
(3) Store the tractor indoors if possi- (2) Drain coolant from the radiator. tires to protect them.
ble. Then, make a label indicating (11) Charge the battery every 2
(4) If storing the tractor outside, cov- "No Coolant" and fix it onto the months during long-term stor-
er it. steering wheel. age.
(5) For better startability, it is recom- If antifreeze is already added, it (12) Store it in a dry place to avoid
mended to remove the battery is not necessary to drain coolant. rain or snow and cover the
from the tractor and keep it in- (3) Add oil, fluid and fuel to each body.
doors in winter. part according to the mainte-
(6) If the outside temperature is be- nance chart.
low 0℃, add antifreeze or drain (4) Apply a thin film of grease of oil
coolant completely to prevent the to body parts that are apt to rust.
engine from freezing and burst- (5) Check each bolt and nut for
ing. looseness and tighten any loose
(7) Remove the key and store it bolt and nut.
separately. (6) Set the tire inflation pressure a
little higher than the specifica-
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