Page 133 - tymp
P. 133


              NOTE                                                               ► HEATINg SYSTEM
                                                                                 The heater is switched on and ad-
          During cold weather,with ambi-                                        justed by rotating the control knob
            ent temperature above 32 ºF (0          Circulation Diffuser         at the roof console, then switching
           ºC) operate the air condition-                                        on the blower and setting the selec-
           er at least once per month, for                                       tor at the preferred speed.
           a period of 10 to 15 minutes.                                         Warm the cab up quickly, the knob
           This will lubricate the seals to                                      should be rotated fully clockwise
           prevent them becoming brittle                                         and the blower set to speed 3.
           and help prevent the loss of                                T57O605A  The screen is demisted or defrosted
           refrigerant from the system.      ► CIRCUlATION dIFFUSER              by air directed through a slot vent.   6 4 36
          The system is equipped with       With the circulation vent set in any   For defrost or fast demist, all other
            an environmentally safe re-      position outside air will still be pulled   vents should be closed off.
           frigerant, R134a. Never re-       into the cab.                            IMpORTANT
           charge  the  air  conditioning
           system with refrigerant other                                            Ventilation is provided by a
           than R134a as this will result                                             single blower unit serving both
           in loss of cooling and perma-                                             the heating system and the air
           nent damage to all air condi-                                             conditioning system.
           tioning components.                                                      After  reaching  the  desired
                                                                                      temperature adjust the system
                                                                                     to suit your needs.

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