Page 69 - tymp
P. 69
Driving speed 2
control pedal (forward) • When switching the driving
direction (forward/backward)
directly during driving, a shock Parking brake lever
due to inertia can lead to an in- Brake pedal
jury. Therefore, switch the driv-
ing direction while the tractor is
Driving speed stopped.
control pedal (backward) T39O314A • Switch the driving direction only T57O205A
► DRIVINg SPEED CONTROL while you are on the driver's ► PARKINg BRAKE LEVER
PEDAL seat. ① With the left and right brake ped-
When depressing the forward driv- als interlocked, depress the brake
ing speed control pedal, forward pedal with a right foot firmly and pull
driving is selected. Reverse driving up the parking brake lever to lock
is selected by depressing the re- the pedals.
verse driving speed control pedal. ② To release the parking brake, de-
When releasing the speed control press the brake pedal firmly.
pedal, it is returned to the neutral
position and the tractor is stopped. NOTE
• The brake discs can be worn
prematurely if driving the ve-
hicle with the parking brake en-
gaged partially.
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