Page 72 - tymp
P. 72


        < Examples of useful conditions           NOTE
        of 4WD >                              •  Before operating the 4WD lever,           Seat sliding
        The 4WD can be used under the          make sure to stop the tractor.
        following conditions                  •  If it is hard to engage the 4WD
        ① When cultivating in a field.         lever, do not apply excessive
        ② When traction is required on a       force to it. Instead, drive the
           slope, in a wet field or for towing   tractor  forward  or  backward
           a trailer.                          slightly and try it again.
        ③ When working in a wet or sandy      •  Avoid  using  4WD  on  public                             T254O220A
           field.                              roads to reduce wear on tires.
        ④ When When cultivating on firm                                          ►  SEAT AND SAFETY BELT
           soil with a rotavator to prevent                                      (1) Seat sliding
           the tractor from being pushed                                         The seat can be adjusted by moving
           forward.                                                              it forwards and backwards with the
        ⑤ When driving into/out of a field or                                    seat sliding lever on its front pushed
           going over a field bank.                                              to the left. After adjustment, make
                                                                                 sure that the seat is firmly secured.
                                                                                 (2) Seat belt
                                                                                            Before driving, adjust the
                                                                                          belt's length to fit to your
                                                                                          body and insert it into its
                                                                                          buckle. When it is engaged
                                                                                          properly, a clicking sound is
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