Page 77 - tymp
P. 77


         • When leaving the tractor, make                                                                            2
          sure to lower the implement and
          stop the engine. Others may
          operate  one  of  the  controls,
          leading to a dangerous situa-
          tion.                                                                            Hydraulic lowering speed
                                                                                               control knob
                                                     External position lever
                                                                      T57O215A                             T253O226A
                                            ►    ExTERNAL POSITION LE-           ►   HYDRAULIC  LOWERINg
                                               VER                                 SPEED CONTROL KNOB
                                            It is used to lift or lower an imple-  This can be used to adjust the low-
                                            ment to the desired position and     ering speed of the implement.
                                            hold it at that position.            Adjust the lowering speed according
                                                                                 to the implement type and working
                                            <How to operate>                     environment.
                                            • Lifting an implement: Push the le-
                                              ver up.                            <Operation>
                                            • Lowering an implement: Pull the    •  Rotavator  -  Slow  the  lowering
                                              lever down.                          speed.
                                                                                 •  Plow  -  Speed  up  the  lowering

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