Page 4 - Memory of the World filled with Color_revised Edition_online
P. 4

Dear readers,                                                                                                                                                                Sustainable Development Goals are

                                                                                                                                                                                     relevantly new concepts that humanity
        International Centre for Documentary Heritage         Under the aim to convey that documentary
        under the auspices of UNESCO presents you with a      heritages are channels of knowledge and values                                                                         needs to achieve for us and this planet,
        collective story of Memory of the World inscriptions   that we all share despite time and space, and also                                                                    so not all documentary heritage have
        and UN Sustainable Development Goals. There are       to promote Sustainable Development Goals, we                                                                           direct relevance. However, today’s
        so many tales and history behind every documentary    created this book to boost interest and recognition
        heritage, but it becomes quite a task for us to       towards documentary heritage.                                                                                          something could be tomorrow’s
        encounter their content. This is because they could                                                                                                                          heritage. What we conjure and express
        be in a foreign language, either hard to access or    To stretch its utilization to its vast, ‘Memory of the                                                                 could be a lasting value transcending
        are in a fragile condition for close views.           World filled with Color’ is available through ICDH’s
                                                              official homepage in various accessible formats.                                                                       generations. Being introduced to
        The Memory of the World inscriptions are                                                                                                                                     the basic concepts of SDG, we have
        documentary heritage consisting of universal values   We hope you enjoy them!                                                                                                prepared blanks within the illustration
        that everyone could comprehend.
                                                              All the best,                                                                                                          for you to join. Express, write, collage,
                                                              International Centre for Documentary Heritage                                                                          paste something in, whatever you
                                                              under the auspices of UNESCO
                                                                                                                                                                                     wish to do. Your valuable thoughts and

         Illustrations are laid out                                                                                                                                                  action are vital for achieving these
        so they could be used as                                                                                                                                                     global goals. Share them with your
                                                         How t  o use                                                                                                                         This page consists of
             decorative posters                                                                                                                                                      friends and with us!

                                                                                                                                                                                              detailed backgrounds of

                                                                                                                                                                                              each inscription. It could be a
                                                                                                                                                                                              historical figure or values that

                                                                                                                                                                                              this documentary heritage
                                                                                                                                                                                              withholds. As you decorate the

                                                              In line with the United Nations’                                                                                                blank page with your creativity,

                                                              Sustainable Development Goals (SDG),                                                                                            we guide you to the inner story
                                                              ‘Memory of the World filled with Color’                                                                                         of each heritage and the

                                                              includes creative illustrations and                                                                                             sustainable value it has.
                                                              stories of nine UNESCO Memory

                                                              of the World inscriptions and SDGs.
                                                              The narratives contain in-depth details                                                                                                    Behind your illustrated

                                                              that prompt the reader to dive deep                                                                                                   sketch is a QR code containing
                                                                                                                                                                                                       website links that further
                                                              into the context of each heritage.                                                                                                    explain the heritage and SDG!
                                                              Both illustrations and narratives                                                                                                     Write a message and you can
                                                              encompass the inscription, with its                                                                                                     also send your completed

                                                              historical and cultural backgrounds                                                                                                     illustration as a postcard
                                                              and relevant figures connecting it

                                                              with linking SDG values.
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