Page 16 - 2022 UNESCO ICDH Newsletter_vol.3
P. 16
Sojung Lee
Column The record is unstable and fragile despite its the collections face the dangers of decay and
significance. Some records become Documentary mold that are fatal to preserving paper. Amadou
Heritage, giving us lessons and knowledge of Hampâté Bâ Foundation is underway to improve its
Pursing Sustainability the day. However, they are still vulnerable to conservation environment and digitize its collections
endogenous and environmental factors. They are to resolve current problems. The foundation has
Beyond the Safeguarding of also at risk of deterioration. collected more than 3,000 digitized manuscripts.
This is where the Memory of the Wold(MoW) Yet, they are in a non-searchable PDF format with
programme started. In 1992, UNESCO launched the limited serchability to its collections. Prospective
Documentary Heritage programme. Since its beginnings, it has shown the outcomes of the project include impoving the
need for safeguarding Documentary Heritage and conservation environment and providing a digital
handing it down to our future generations. Diverse library of collections. Eventually, the public can
international cooperation projects have been access the collections without restrictions related
How we can develop our memory of implemented in line with the objectives of the MoW to time or location.
Memory of the World programme, such as the ‘First Aid to Documentary Currently, international cooperation projects
Heritage under Threat’ Project by the Prince Claus of digitizing Documentary Heritage are unfolding,
Fund and the Whiting Foundation. By 2021, they especially in Least Developed Countries and Small
funded 37 projects to prevent and minimize loss Island Developing States. The Digital Capital Project
of Documentary Heritage across Africa, Asia, Latin supported by the Organization International de la
America and the Caribbean. Francophone is an example showing changes in
Unforunately, the preservation of Documentary the international cooperation project trends. The
Heritage is not enough because its significance projects engages seven African and European
has been tarnished without ensuring accessibilty. actors to boost African audiovisual heritage. [2]
Therefore, the need to provide universal access Digitization is not a final stop for Documentary
to Documentary Heritage rose and digitization Heritage. It is a way of preserving Documentary
emerged as an alternative to this threshold. Heritage and closing the gap between countries. As
Digitization can be a way of protecting against the times change, we will continue to think about
emergencies, disasters, or from physical access what we do and where our project heads. Then, our
to original Documentary Heritage. Also, it has future generations can acquire new findings from
allowed people to access Documentary Heritage Documentary Heritage even in the face of ongoing
beyond time and space. Therefore, digitization concerns.
gives everyone a chance to access, enjoy, and
study Documentary Heritage. In this context, ICDH
designed and embarked on the Project <Support to
the Amadou Hampâté Bâ Foundation for Enhanced
Preservation and Accessibility of its Collections> in
June 20 22.
According to a report by a UNESO chief
archivist, the collections are kept in boxes in the
Digitization ordinary office. Because the relative humidity in
Abidjan is around 87% in July, and the office is not
equipped with a proper air-conditioning system,
[1] UNESCO(2019). Mission to Safeguard the Archives of the Amadou Hampate Ba Foundation, 5page
[2] UNESCO(2022). Managing low-cost digitization projects in Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States, 22-23pages
16 UNESCO ICDH Newsletter 17 Memories of Today