Page 21 - 2022 UNESCO ICDH Newsletter_vol.3
P. 21

Anji Kim
 Column     For some time, heritage was focused on  are developing funds and projects to strengthen
        its tangible legacy under limited access, mainly  capacity for digitization.
        through museum exhibitions and window glances.     When we say digitization, some may consider
 Creating innovative methods   With conservation and preservation at its peak of  it as a simple process, but in reality, it requires a
        priority, this may have been the most accessible  sophisticated level of treatment, high-technology
 in delivering the value of   method. Especially when one considers the  devices, and well-trained experts to proceed with
        characteristics of documentary heritage, the state  the digital scanning of million pages over centuries
        of preservation is a vital process. Maintenance  old. Not only does digitizing end with scanning
 Memory of the World and   management of the substance, either paper,  but can stretch out by providing the translation of
        parchment, stone, leather, tape, film, which contains  the context and permitting information access by
 Documentary Heritage  the recorded archive, can either directly lead to  file downloads. This results in the general public
        an exceptional preservation state or the loss of a  reaching out to invaluable archives that would be
        treasured artifact.                            hardly impossible to encounter in real-life, opening
            Over time, the conventional approach develop-  themselves to new aspects of history.
        ed, now with the heritage sector concentrating its   Digitization processes and its public openings
        policies on a people-centered approach. Whereas  have created new lights for documentary heritage. It
        the previous approach emphasized the role of  becomes a wonderful information source, enabling
        experts and focused on their scholar perspectives,  academic research for all and also develops the
        today’s viewpoint is on the active participation of  interaction of creative industries and enhances
        the local community and relevant stakeholders.  public interest. One example would be the recent
        Due to such changes, UNESCO highlights the  Korean television mega-hit broadcast ‘The Red
        significance of locality blended into the heritage  Sleeve,’ based on the ‘The Annals of the Joseun
        presentation and how the regional community  Dynasty (Memory of the World, 1997).’ As its name
        perceives their heritage, in terms of their daily  suggests, this documentary heritage contains the
        livelihood and future aspects. Such understandings  500-year history of Joseun with alarmingly detailed
        are implemented into the UNESCO policy and in  recordings of meetings and daily lives of the king
        other relevant organizations such as ICCROM and  and royals. The broadcast is about the well-known
        ICOMOS, shifting the paradigm and ever more  story of King Jeongjo and his royal concubine,
        concentrating on how heritage can relate to people  with interesting, new historical facts to the plot
        and how it should be delivered. Its aim is to boost  derived from continuous translation and its public
        overall audience understanding of heritage value.  access. The updated translation, along with other
            The main objective of the Memory of the  documentation has allowed in-depth understanding
        World Programme (hereafter MoW) is on the  of the previously presumed relation between the
        preservation of documentary heritage. Having its  king and the concubine, along with her real name
        unique characteristic as a recorded archive, most  and background. This was yet unearthed back
        cases of MoW put great value on the content of the  in late 2000s, and missing facts were mended
        documentation, how influential it is to the world,  with creativities when a different broadcast of
        and how authentic it is, in other words, genuine to  the same theme, also a mega hit, aired. The fact
        its original form. Thus, it is natural for the MoW  that the story was based on updated translation
 natural  Programme to put preservation as a high priority  gained great attention from the public and media,

        as most of the documentation material is fragile  leading to public recognition on the importance of
        to decay and deterioration. Moreover, since the  documentary heritage digitization and utilization.
        Programme also acknowledges the artistry of the    Among Koreans, it was another moment of
 scanning  heritage, conserving the original format is of utmost  realization how documentation could present new
        importance. With these aims, MoW puts great effort  perspectives to existing frameworks and prompt
        in the digitization of each documentary heritage,  attention and visits to the translation site as well.
        encouraging various projects to facilitate digitization   As such, the enhancement of accessibility
        for custodians who need appropriate technology and  could lead to a cultural wave within a society,
        support. Starting with the headquarters, regional  creating an innovative method in delivering
        MoW committees and individual organizations  documentary heritage. This could be a methodology

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