Page 25 - 2022 UNESCO ICDH Newsletter_vol.3
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and conflicts with mankind’s need to mitigate information, it raises new types of governance Experts and young professionals from more than 15
its carbon footprint, therefore challenging SDG issues, such as but not limited to ethical boundaries countries gathered online to share their ideas on the
13(Climate Action). of hate speech/discrimination, disinformation/ creative values of the Intangible Cultural Heritages.
Besides, technology itself also poses misinformation, and privacy. Last but not least, it is This is an example of promoting heritages on a
challenges to governance. Surprisingly, the also important to consider that memory institutions digital platform in a cross-institutional collaboration.
newest technologies can have shorter lifecycles vary in their capabilities to catch up with the latest Memory institutions and related institutions
than traditional media due to the very fact that technology in a timely manner. Relevant institutions will constantly be compelled to contemplate how
new digital formats and supporting carriers are like UNESCO ICDH, which strives to operate to digitize documentary heritage in harmony with
constantly evolving. For instance, a voice recording as a platform hub of information for digitized the SDGs. An example of a potential solution
that was once stored in an mp3 player can documentary heritage, need to understand that the to how memory institutions should approach
sometimes lose its volume or audio quality and mentioned challenges directly or indirectly affect governance issues can be found in a Network
become incompatible with the latest smartphone their governance as well as project capabilities. body of “Category 2 Centres” in South Korea,
devices. Not only that, the social context where Mr van der Hoeven, an early contributor to the which was launched and active since 2020. It is
people search for information and communicate UNESCO PERSIST* initiative, suggested that cross- a multi-organizational cooperative network for the
changes quickly as well. The younger generation, institutional cooperation, both hierarchical and very purpose Mr van der Hoevensuggested above.
for example, obtains information through short cross-industrial, is now more than ever essential With regular meetings, working-level staff share
videos on Tiktok and YouTube rather than browsing in achieving sustainability, including that for digital experiences on their projects and advise each
through search engines like Google. Technologies heritage. Institutions in a multi-organizational other on setting orientation, managing governance
and social contexts around the technologies network can contribute and benefit by sharing such as finance and organization, and positively
quickly become obsolete. Therefore, continual knowledge for mutual benefits or common influence each other on overall project capabilities.
digital content migration, which translates into goals, contributing to SDG 17(Partnerships). For Each Category 2 Centres operates under different
the continuous investment to keep up with the instance, UNESCO ICHCAP*, with the National competent ministries, and this requires them
compatibility with modern technologies and Intangible Heritage Center of Korea, has hosted to adjust their strategy, goals, and culture to
inherent security issues as well as relevant funding, a “World Intangible Cultural Heritage Forum” and collaborate for potential cross-industry projects.
are crucial part of the governance. If Artificial the ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage Youth Summit’ in Nonetheless, with continuous communication
Intelligence is utilized to process and provide 2021 via Metaverse and a YouTube live stream. through various channels, the network performs as
a platform to share know-how with each other and
develop collaborative projects, thereby building a
sustainable future together, including that for the
Memory of the World.
※PERSIST Platform to Enhance the Sustainability
of the Information Society Transglobally.
※UNESCO ICHCAP : international Information and
Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage
in the Asia-Pacific Region
Bibliography :
1. Documentary heritage at risk :
Policy gaps in digital preservation_ UNESCO (5.9.21.)
2. Preservation of documentary heritage through policy development and
capacity building (Final project report)_ UNESCO (2022)
3. Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence_
UNESCO (2021)
UNESCO ICHCAP Metaverse Forum 4.
24 UNESCO ICDH Newsletter 25 Memories of Today