Page 23 - 2022 UNESCO ICDH Newsletter_vol.3
P. 23
that memory institutions including museums, Column Danah Kim
custodians, and UNESCO institutions may take in
promoting documentary heritage values. It would be
the role of relevant institutions to highlight heritage
values based on the UNESCO spirit and MoW Category 2 Centres and their
programme, enabling various industries and fields
to recreate the inner stories of each documentary governance for the Future
heritage. Creating the fundamental structure,
preparing guidelines, and providing the various
values of each documentary heritage would be the
base point in understanding documentary heritage,
thus becoming a reference whenever one needs it.
As with previous attempts to promote
documentary heritage with digital technology
and creative performances, there should be
considerations on how to effectively deliver the
value and inner context each heritage holds. This
year marks the 30th anniversary of the MoW
programme. Reflecting back on the three decades Future
which focused on preservation and digitization, it
would be time to look at our goals and widen the
range of implementation.
With the changing technological and social to information online is inevitable progress in
environment, the use of Metaverse and Mixed- human society. Memory institutions and related
Reality content based on the digitization of institutions should therefore consider utilizing digital
heritages, is starting to be widely perceived as technologies to preserve and promote their valuable
a way to promote public accessibility. This is documentary heritages.
especially compelling becauselack of face-to-face However, digitizing documentary heritage
meetings has become the new societal norm. Digital brings a number of challenges to the governance
platforms such as Metaverse permit participants capabilities of memory and related institutions. For
from around the world to revel in interactive and instance, digitizing documentary heritages can raise
realistic experiences and have proven to strengthen a question on copyright and access rights between
communication between them. Digitization can be the memory institutions, traditional keepers of
a way to preserve documentary heritage against heritage, and data companies, the non-traditional
manmade and natural destruction and erosions keepers of the heritage. Legal frameworks need to
without significant loss of their value and meaning. be established to clarify the question and ensure
On top of that, the digitized contents can attract compliance with SDG Goal 16(Strong institutions)
public access to the heritage in a more user- and Goal 4(Universal human rights of access to
friendly and simpler way, if integrated with diverse information). Moreover, storing data of digitized
platforms such as Metaverse. Seemingly, access documentary heritage requires energy consumption
22 UNESCO ICDH Newsletter 23 Memories of Today