Page 37 - 2022 UNESCO ICDH Newsletter_vol.3
P. 37

Launching the Project for safeguarding the endangered documentary heritage  2022 Board of Directors and
 ROK-UNESCO signed an MOU for archives preservation and digitization  Executive Committee Meetings  ICDH Website Renewal
 Sojung Lee                       Danah Kim                                      Danah Kim

 In June 2022, ICDH launched the Project for                           Web pages are the frontier of infor-
 the archives preservation and digitization of the                     mation about the missions and projects
 Amadou Hampâté Bâ Foundation to preserve the                          of an institution. ICDH’s Web page
 endangered documentary heritage. It is the first                      underwent a light design renewal. An
 1  ODA project of ICDH; its primary beneficiary is the                extended menu tree on the main page
 Amadou Hampâté Bâ Foundation in Côte d'Ivoire.                        provides better navigation through
 This Project aims to safeguard the endangered                         the website. The vision and strategic
 archives of the Foundation and secure equitable                       tasks page was redesigned in a more
 and inclusive access to them. In this context, the                    comprehensive and intuitive way.
 FOND A TION  main activities are as follows:                          The “Construction progress” page
 - Improvement of the conservation environment                         was added for those interested in the
   for Amadou Hampâté Bâ's collections                                 construction progress of the ICDH
 - Creation of capacity-building programmes                            building, and the “Submissions for
   for safeguarding the collections                                    Newsletter” page was added as well.
 - Digitization of the collections and                                 Moreover, the “International Register”
   establishment of the digital library                                page was added as well. Moreover,
 To bring out the best of the Project, diverse                         the “International Register” page
 organizations will cooperate closely with the                         now provides an intuitive, interactive
 foundation. ICDH will support the Project by                          map that includes regional lists
 providing advice on general technical issues                          of inscribed heritages. The Web page
 regarding conservation treatment of the archives,                     provides the public with not only
 development of the manuals and strategies, the                        information about the center, but also
 staffing of capacity-building programmes, etc.                        an international Memory of the World
                                                                       register list, related organizations, and
                                                                       Memory  of  the  World  contents.  We
                                                                       believe that the newly designed website
                                                                       makes it more efficient to search and
                                                                       access information on the website.
 The Grimm Brother Stories interpreted through Short Video
 Anji Kim                                                              ❶ Strategy & Objective
        UNESCO ICDH’s governing body is   The executive Committee, composed   ❷ International Register
        composed of the Board of Directors   of eight members and headed by the
 The International Centre for Docu-   and Executive Committee. The Board   chairman Mr. LEE Du-won, professor   ①
 mentary Heritage (hereafter ICDH)   of Directors, headed by the president   of Media and Journalism at Cheongju
 created a short-form animated video   Memory of the World, 2005  of the National Archives of Korea(Mr.   University, meets to decide on more
 based on Children’s and Household   CHOI Jae-hee), deliberates ICDH’s   administrative and working-level
 Tales (Memory of the World, 2005)   annual project plans and foundational   decisions, such as amendment of
 collated by the Grimm Brothers. While   regulations. The Board meets annually   operational regulations.
 connecting the universally known fairy   with provisional meetings when   The Executive Committee advises on
 tales to sustainable development goals,   Sustainable  necessary. Directors also broaden   the ICDH’s annual project plan before
 the centre aims to create new views   ICDH’s capabilities by introducing ICDH   it is submitted to the Board of Directors
 toward documentary heritage and   Development  to embark on new projects with the   as an agenda. Korea Creative Content
 how it can be a catalyst for creativity   institutions they represent. Recently Mr.   Agency’s representative Mr. LEE Yang-
 and sustainable values. The video is   Goal  Tawfik Jelassi, the Assistant Director-  Hwan, has led an MOU signing with
 available through YouTube and ICDH’s   General of UNESCO Communication   ICDH, enabling better value-added   ②
 main website.  and Information Sector, has joined   content creation around the Memory
        the Board and has channeled better   of the World programme. Both the
        communication between the UNESCO   Board of Directors and the Executive
        Headquarters and the ICDH. The Board   Committee have played an essential
        of Directors also plays a pivotal role in   role in ICDH’s early foundation and
        reviewing the Statement of Accounts   stabilization.
 10:00  from the previous year to ensure that
        the center’s governance is transparent
        and efficient.

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