Page 158 - tymp
P. 158

Safety Standard for farm work

          3. cautIonS durIng the work

            Do not load anything that can interfere driving.      When two people are working collaboratively, ex-
           - Always keep the driver’s seat clean.                change signals each other.

            Always buckle up when driving.                        Prevent injury
                                                                  - Do not touch power transmission gear, rotating unit,
            Opening radiator cap when heated can spring out the   and other dangerous parts.
          steam to have the operator burned. Open the cap af-     - Pay special attention if you are working with the ma-
          ter it is sufficiently cooled down.                      chine with blade or sharp projection
                                                                  - Be careful not to injure from the work where soils
            Do not drive with depressing the differential gear pedal.   and stones are scattered around.

            Prohibit anyone to get on the machine.                Safety in inspection, adjustment, etc.
           - Prohibit anyone to get on the machine other than      - Make sure to stop the motor and carry out the work
            the designated place.                                  in a safe environment.
           - Even thought there are some designated place, do      - When leaving the machine for a break, or other rea-
            not let people more than capacity get on the machine.  son, leave the machine in a safe place and descend
           - Never let any passenger mount on the machine.         the working unit to keep them in a safe stopped state.
            Also, do not put any object on the machine. Keep
            people away from the machine.                          Removing and installing should be carried out in a
           - Do not jump on/off the operating machine except for   safe place and with a safe method.
                                                                   Do neither stay nor insert foot under the working units.
            Be cautious not to let anyone touch the belt . Always
          check the connected area of belt.

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