Page 26 - Memory of the World filled with Color_revised Edition_online
P. 26
48 Television is a digital medium that we use to enjoy broadcasting programs and share 49
numerous content. It provides information, entertainment, and creativity which inspires
so many that it is difficult to imagine a world without television. The industrial technology
for this device brought immense changes to the world, becoming the start of swift
innovations and paving the ground for creating new infrastructures and creations.
Kálmán Tihanyi's 1926 Patent Application for "Radioskop" was indeed one of them,
delivering new light to the world of inventions.
Hungarian inventor Kálmán Tihanyi showed great talent from a young age,
submitting his first patent application at age 16. In 1917 he was already interested
in questions surrounding television, publishing his renowned research in 1925 ◆◆ .
A year later, a Viennese firm bought his patent that enables the wireless switching
◆ off street lamps. It was on March 20th, 1926,
1897-1947, born at Nyitra County (present-day Slovakia)
Original title: Nemzeti Újság (About Electronic Projection when Tihanyi submitted this renowned patent.
into the distance), May 3rd, 1925
Titling the patent ◆◆◆ as "Radiskop," Tihanyi described his version of the cathode ray
tube ◆◆◆◆ and the charge-storage television system, developing ideas that influenced
◆◆◆ National Archives of Hungary, K 603 – T-3768 television's progress worldwide. The patent
◆◆◆◆ Cathode-ray tube (CRT) is a vacuum tube containing introduced one of the most significant
one or more electron guns. The guns beam light to display technological achievements of the 20th century
images on monitor screens.
◆◆◆◆◆ Featuring a fully electronic transmission and through a proficient presentation of modern
receiving system, including the principle of accumulation television's fundamental characteristics ◆◆◆◆◆ .
and "storage" of electrical charges.
An opening for mass television production, the 1926 patent was the first description
of modern television's full electronic transmitting and receiving system alongside its
storage principle. Not to mention, it is the initial patent concerning television and its
relevant technology. "Radioskop" greatly influenced technological development all
around the globe, not only through the advent of television but through its numerous
variations. Through this documentary heritage, we can have a glimpse of Tihanyi's
continuous efforts for technological advancement. The unit consists of drawings and
featured diagrams showing the patent's fundamental design concepts with solutions
for the transmitter, receiver, and photocell, consistently evolving throughout the years.
Housed by the National Archives of Hungary, the patent is the first Hungarian document
inscribed to the Memory of the World Programme. Today, the heritage is separately
stored from other documents in special protective foil to preserve its original form.
Occasionally there are storage tours where the public can view the patent in its full glory.
Kálmán Tihanyi’s 1926
Patent Application ‘Radioskop’