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P. 33

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             The BOS Archives are significant in their scope and volume, having
            great credibility of the reconstruction and importance for Poles'
            cultural and national identity. Like "The whole nation is building
            its capital," a phrase commonly used at the time, BOS employed
            about 1,500 people - architects, town planners, engineers of various
            specialties, economists, and lawyers in July 1945. In the fall of
            1945, nearly 10,000 people worked on construction sites under the
           supervision of BOS, showing considerable participation. The archives
           demonstrate an outstanding example of how an entire community,
           original form.
           a nation, inputted effort to restore its central place of history to its

                                                       as Once Before

                                                       Approximately 550,000 inhabitants were forced from the city,
                                                       and the total cost of the Warsaw destruction is estimated to be
                                                       around 16.3 billion zlotys . In 1939, there were 987 monuments
                                                       in Warsaw. 64 monuments managed to last while all 141
                                                       monuments with exceptional value to Poland and Warsaw failed
                                                       to survive. Out of 86 churches, 25 were completely destroyed,
                                                        and 57 were heavily damaged. Due to the enormous damage in
                                                        Warsaw, the abbreviation BOS was also deciphered jokingly as
                                                        "Boże Odbuduj Stolicę - God Rebuild the Capital." The creation

        ◆                                               of an entirely new, post-war doctrine of monument protection
         The state budget of the Poland (1938/1939)                                            ◆◆ , that monuments
        was 2.5 billion zlotys                          was formulated by Professor Zachwatowicz
          Jan Zachwatowicz (1900-1983), Architect.
        ◆◆                                              and the nation are one. Although destroyed by war, heritage
        Co-director of the Warsaw Reconstruction         monuments must be faithfully rebuilt to restore their social
                                                         place. Warsaw became a reference for reconstructing Moscow
          Remembrance                                    churches and Kyiv and Dresden's historical buildings.

          of Liberty and


         Warsaw became a place - a symbol referred to as
         the "untamed city," the only one in which the Jewish
         population confined in the ghetto opposed the
         invaders (1943). In 1944 The Warsaw Uprising was the
         most prominent and most extended (63 days) battle
         between the underground units (polish homeland
         Army) and the regular units of the German army. It is
        estimated that 200,000 people died in the pacification,
        during and after the fall of the Warsaw Uprising in
        1944. The restoration of Warsaw is a living example of
        overcoming the scars of war and a way to remember
        and honor those who fought for freedom and liberty.
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