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        ROLL OVER PROTECTIVE STRUCTURES (ROPS)                                   USE OF THE TRACTOR WITH
                                                                                 THE ROPS LOWERED CAN
        TYM tractors are equipped with a          DANGER                         CAUSE FATAL INJURIES
        frame for the protection of opera-                                       As the ROPS frame or cab togeth-
        tors.                                 •  For ROPS frames to be effec-    er with the seat belt was designed to
        In the case of cab tractors the frame   tive and protect the operator,   meet certain standards, they must be
        is incorporated in the cab structure.   the seat belt provided must      maintained in good order and condi-
                                                be  worn  in  order  to  keep
        The objective of the frame or cab       operators within the ROPS        tion. To achieve this objective, both
        structure is to protect the operator in   protected area in the event of   the structure and the seat belt should
        the event of a roll over                a roll over. Failure to use the   be inspected on a regular basis. (Ev-
        and they are designed to support        seat belt can still cause seri-  ery time the tractor is serviced)
        the entire weight of the tractor in     ous injury or death.             In the event that the seat belt is
        that event.                         On some models the ROPS frame        damaged or frayed, it should be re-
        Each  TYM  ROPS  frame  or  cab     has a fold down feature, which can   placed and in the event that the
        structure is designed and has been                                       ROPS  frame  or  any  part  of  the
        tested to meet industry and or gov-  be used to enter low buildings etc.  mounting structure is damaged or
        ernment standards.                  Take care when lowering the upper    cracked, the faulty component must
        Included  in  these  tests  were  all   section of the ROPS frame and take   be replaced with a new unit. Such a
                                                                                 unit must meet all of the test criteria
        mounting bases and bolts or other   extreme care while driving the tractor   of the original unit. Fitment of an in-
        fasteners.                          with the ROPS frame lowered.         ferior item or items affects the certi-
                                            Do  not  wear  the  seat  belt  with   fication of the entire ROPS structure
                                            the  ROPS  lowered  and  please      and the effectiveness of the struc-
                                            remember that the fold down facility   ture in the event of an accident.
                                            is for special circumstances only and   Drilling  or  welding  of  the  ROPS
                                            must not be lowered for general use.  structure is forbidden.
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