Page 8 - tymp
P. 8



        ▶GENERAL CONSTRUCTION               ▶ENGINE                              ▶REAR AxLE & WHEELS
        The transmission case, Engine and   The tractors are fitted with vertical,   This is mounted on ball bearings
        Front Axle Support are bolted to-   Water-cooled 4-cycle and spherical   and is enclosed in removable hous-
        gether to form a rigid unit.        chamber type YANMAR                  ing which are bolted to the transmis-
                                            ENGINES(3TNV88C-DKTF)                sion case. The rim & Disc fitted with
        ▶FRONT AxLE & WHEELS                                                     Rear tires are bolted to the outer
        The 4WD front axle is a center-piv-  ▶ TRANSMISSION WITH HST (HY-        flange of Rear Axle.
        ot,  reverse  Eliot  type. The  front   DROSTATIC TRANSMISSION)
        wheel drive mechanism is incorpo-   The Tractor  is  fitted  HST  with  3   ▶HYDRAULIC SYSTEM & LINK-
        rated as a part of the axle.        Range and can be selected Speed        AGES
        The front wheel drive power is taken   range by HIGH-LOW selector lever.   TYM Tractors are fitted with Live (i.e.
        off the rear transmission and trans-  The Tractor has Two pedals for for-  system is in operation) independent,
        mitted to the differential in the front   ward/reverse control . Tractor with   very  touch  of  hydraulic  System.
        axle where the power is divided into   Independent Power Take Off        Three point Linkages can be used
        right and left and to the respective   is fitted with electro-hydraulic Clutch   for category 1 type of implements.
        final cases.                        Assy. The Rear PTO can be operat-
        In the final cases, the transmitted   ed both or separately by a lever.  ▶STEERING
        revolution is reduced by the level   TYM tractors are provided with in-
        gears to drive the front wheel. The   dependent disc brakes operated by  It consists of Hydrostatic Power
        4WD mechanism with level gears                                           steering system, which has a hy-
        provides wider steering and greater   two road travel. A foot brake lever is   draulic cylinder and tandem type hy-
        durability.                         fitted for parking.                  draulic pump.

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