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TRACTOR AN INTRODUCTION Distributors are kept informed of the of the engine body (Illust. A), For
latest methods of servicing tractors. easy reference, we suggest you to
The word, ’tractor’ has been derived They stock genuine spare parts and write the number in the space pro-
from ‘traction’ which means pulling. are backed by the Company’s full vided in the owner’s personal data.
A tractor is required to pull or haul support.
an equipment, implement or trol- Through this manual. The use of Right turn Left turn
ley which are coupled to the trac- the terms LEFT, RIGHT, FRONT (Clockwise) (Counterclockwise)
tor body through suitable linkage. and REAR must be understood, to
A tractor can also be used as a avoid any confusion when follow-
prime mover as it has a power out- ing the introductions. The LEFT and Right Rear
let source which is also called Pow- RIGHT means left and right sides of
er Take or PTO shaft. the tractor when facing forward in
In this book the operating, mainte- the driver’s seat, Reference to the
nance and storage instructions for FRONT indicates the radiator end
all models of TYM Diesel tractors of the tractor, while the REAR, indi-
has been complied. This material cates the drawbar end.
has been prepared in detail to help When spare parts are required, al-
you in the better understanding of ways specify the tractor and engine
maintenance and efficient operation serial number when ordering these
of the machine. parts. (See illustration A).This will Front Left
If you need any information not giv- facilitate faster delivery and help en- 45HO002A
en in this manual, or require the ser- sure that the correct parts for your
vices of a trained mechanic, please particular tractor is received. The
get in touch with the TYM Dealer/ tractor serial number is punched on
Distributor in your locality. Dealer/ a plate attached to the left hand side