Page 12 - tymp
P. 12


                                              6. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS
        To select Seat position, move Ad-   RECOGNIZE SAFETY INFOR-              SIGNAL WORDS
        justing lever and slide Seat closer to   MATION
        or away from Dash panel and con-

             DANGER                                                                              DANGER
         •  Check whether the seat prop-
           erly locked in its position be-                                                       WARNING
           fore driving the tractor.
         •  Always  use  the  seat  belt                              T74O201A                             T74O202B
           when the ROPS is installed.      This symbol means ATTENTION!         A signal word "DANGER, WARN-
           Do not use the seat belt if a    YOUR SAFETY IS INVOLVED. The         ING OR CAUTION" is used with
           foldable ROPS is down or         message that follows the symbol      safety alert symbol. DANGER identi-
           there is no ROPS. Check the      contains important information about   fies the most serious hazards. Safe-
           seat belt regularly and re-      safety. Carefully read the message.   ty signs with signal Word "DANGER
           place if frayed or damaged.                                           OR WARNING" are typically near
                                                                                 specific hazards. General precau-
                                                                                 tions are listed on CAUTION safety

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