Page 120 - tymp
P. 120

Maintenance and service

                                                                                             Air cleaner hose
                           Mounting bolt      Clamp
                                            Fuel hose         Clamp
                                                             Fuel hose

        Fan belt
                     0~15 mm
                                 T57O508A                           T5NO504A                              T4NO505A
        ►   checking and adjusting          ►  fuel hOse checking                ►   a i r   c l e a n e r   h O s e
          fan belt                          Check the fuel hose as follows :       checking
        Check and adjust the fan belt's ten-  ①  Stop the engine. After the engine   Check the air cleaner hose as fol-
        sion periodically.                     is sufficiently cooled down, open   lows :
        ① Unscrew the alternator mounting      the hood.                         ①  Stop the engine. After the engine
           bolt slightly and move the alterna-  ②  Check if the fuel hose is dam-   is sufficiently cooled down, open
           tor to adjust the tension.          aged or leaks. Replace it if nec-    the hood.
        ②  Check the belt's tension. Press     essary.                           ②  Check if the air cleaner hose is
           the middle of the belt with about   ③  Tighten the clamp.                damaged or leaks. Replace it if
           10kg of force. It is okay when the                                       necessary.
           belt is deflected about 0~15mm.                                       ③  Tighten the clamp.
        ③  Replace the belt if it is crocked or
        ④  Replace the belt if tegument is worn
           out or some pieces are detached.

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