Page 88 - tymp
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          4. RuNNINg-IN PERIOd                 5. sTARTINg Off, shIfTINg ANd dRIvINg

        Make sure to keep the following in-                                      ► shIfTINg ANd dRIvINg
        structions for the initial 50-hour use.         Interlock                To shift during driving, depress the
        (1)  Avoid abrupt starting and abrupt                                    brake pedal to stop the vehicle in
           stopping.                                                             advance.
        (2)  Do not use excessive speed or   Lower: Lock                               wARNINg
           load.                                                                  •  The driving speed in the reverse
        (3)  Drive the tractor only when the                                        direction is almost the same to
           engine is sufficiently warm.                                             the speed in the forward direc-
        (4)  Do not idle the engine at the                            T39O01A      tion. Make sure to check the
           maximum speed.                   ►  sTARTINg Off                         surroundings  carefully  when
        (5)  Check each part and change oil   ① Confirm  that  the  left  and  right   driving backward.
           and fluid after 50-hour use.        brake pedals are interlocked.      •  Especially, never drive back-
        (6)  Refer to the section Maintenance   Make sure to interlock the left     wards with the range shift lever
           for adding and changing engine      and  right  brake  pedals  unless    in the position H. The driving
           oil.                                working in a field.                  speed becomes faster and it
                                            ② Lift an implement.                    can cause an accident.
                                            ③ Place range shift lever into the
                                               desired position.
                                            ④ Depress  the  brake  pedal  to
                                               release the parking brake.
                                            ⑤ Depressing  the  HST  pedal  to
                                               increase the engine speed.

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