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         11.  CAuTIONs fOR dRIvINg ON ROAd     12. OPERATION ChECk duRINg dRIvINg

        (1)  When changing the direction on a   Observe that every part is properly   ► ENgINE COOlANT
           road, use the turn signal lamp to in-  operated during driving.       If the needle of the coolant gauge
           form other drivers.                                                   points at "H," stop the engine and
        ()  Use the low beam when there is any   ►   ENgINE OIl PREssuRE        check the followings:
           vehicle coming on the other side at       If  the  engine  oil  level    • Radiator coolant
           nighttime.                                warning lamp comes on        • Radiator fin for clogging
        (3)   Check  that  the  left  and  right     during driving, the lubrica-   • Fan belt for looseness
           brake pedals are connected.       tion system may malfunction. Check   If necessary, have your machine
        (4)  Keep the work lamps off when    the engine oil immediately and have   checked by your workshop.
           driving at night.                 your vehicle checked by your work-
        (5)  Follow any applicable laws and   shop.
           keep safe driving.                                                          NOTE
        (6)  Never let anyone ride the tractor,   ►   ChARgINg                    •
           except yourself as a driver.              If the battery charge warn-    When the coolant temperature
                                                     ing lamp comes on dur-         warning lamp comes on, the
              wARNINg                                ing driving, the battery is    engine is overheated. If running
         •  If driving on a road with an im-  not properly charged. In this case,   the engine under this condi-
          plement attached, the front side   check the battery condition, and if    tion continuously, the engine
          of the tractor tends to be lifted   necessary, have it checked by your    parts can be severely damaged.
          and vehicle may not be steered    workshop.                               Make sure to take an appropri-
          properly.                                                                 ate action immediately.

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