Page 90 - tymp
P. 90


                                               8. dRIvINg ON slOPE

        ⑥ Remove the key from the switch    ►  sTARTINg Off ON sTEEP slOPE       ► TIPs fOR dRIvINg ON slOPE
           after parking vehicle.           ① Depress the brake pedals.          (1) Set the range shift lever in the

        ☞  Refer to the page 2-15 for opera-  ② Place range shift lever in the low   low speed position on a slope
                                                                                    to prevent the engine from stop-
           tion of the parking brake.          speed position.                      ping.
                                            ③ Set the engine at the mid speed
                                               with the throttle lever.          (2) Keep the driving speed low on a
                                                                                    downhill road.
              wARNINg                       ④ Depress the HST pedal fulley.      (3) Do not set the range shift lever in
         • After parking, make sure to ap-  ⑤ Release the brake pedal at the        the neutral position on a downhill
          ply the parking brake.               same time.                           road.
         •  Avoid parking on a slope if pos-  ⑥ Pull the throttle lever again to rev   wARNINg
          sible. If it is absolutely neces-    up the engine. .
          sary to park on a slope, chock                                          • On a downhill road, but use the
          the rear wheels.                                                          engine brake. Otherwise, it can
                                                                                    cause an accident.

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