Page 102 - tymp
P. 102
Maintenance and service
3. inspecting and changing cOOlant
Check Hoses ► engine cOOlant inspectiOn
and change
Inlet (1) inspection
Open the radiator cap and check
Radiator that the radiator is filled with cool-
ant up to its filler inlet. If the coolant Drain cock
amount is insufficient, add more
45NO50A Warning T39O504A
< t494 nh/sh > • Do not open the cap when the
engine is hot. Otherwise, hot (2) change
Inlet steam can burn you seriously. ① To drain coolant, open the drain
Wait until the engine is suffi- cock and radiator cap as well for
Check Hoses faster draining.
ciently cooled down.
At this time, place the heater
Radiator cock in the opening position.
② Wash the inside of the radiator
with clean water thoroughly.
③ Fit the drain cock and add cool-
45NO503A ant.
< t574 nh/sh > ④ Start and idle the engine for ap-
prox. 5 minutes. Then, check
coolant in the reservoir tank and
add more coolant as necessary.
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