Page 107 - tymp
P. 107
Maintenance and service
cautiOn (2) changing
• If transmission fluid gets on ① Unscrew the drain plugs on the
your skin, it can irritate the skin Upper bottom of the axle and left/right
final cases to drain engine oil.
and cause a skin condition. Lower limit Since hot fluid flows out of the
Make sure to clean your skin limit engine first, be careful not to get
with soap and water or hand Level gauge burnt.
cleaner thoroughly. ② After draining oil, tighten the oil
drain plug. 4 35
③ Add the specified amount of the
Front axle oil ► checking and changing specified oil through the filler hole.
filler frOnt axle Oil nOte
(1) inspection • Do not add front axle oil over
① Pull out the dipstick, wipe its tip the upper limit level.
and insert it again. Then, pull it out
Front axle Front axle and check that the oil level is be- • Check the front axle oil before
oil drain oil drain
plug plug tween the upper and lower limits. starting the engine or at least
T54O510A ② If insufficient, add oil. in 5 minutes after the engine is
• When trying to use new oil from
a different manufacturer or oil
with different viscosity, drain
used oil completely before add-
ing new oil.
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