Page 103 - tymp
P. 103

Maintenance and service

        (3) antifreeze                            cautiOn
        If coolant freezes, the engine can be   •  If engine coolant gets on your                   Condenser grill
        damaged.                               skin, it can irritate the skin and
         •  Clean the radiator thoroughly      cause a skin condition. Make
           before adding antifreeze.           sure  to  clean  your  skin  with
         •  The mixture ratio of antifreeze is   soap and water or hand cleaner
           different by manufacturers and      thoroughly.
           temperature. Refer to the manu-                                                                          4 35
           facturer's manual.                                                                              T57O503A
         •  Mix antifreeze with water suffi-                                               < t494 nh/sh >
           ciently before adding it.
         •  Adding antifreeze
           If evaporated - Add water for the
           reduced amount.
           If leaked - Add mixture of anti-
           freeze and water with the same                                                         Condenser grill
           mixture ratio.

                                                                                           < t574 nh/sh >

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